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University Of Patras, G. Seferi 2, Agrinio +302641074204

The project

WS1: Optimization of microalgal biomass production – Research in laboratory scale.

Different microalgal species (e.g. Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis, Isochrysis) will be studied in the laboratory in order to optimize biomass growth conditions. In particular, temperature, photoperiod, substrate’s nutrient composition, pH and CO2 inflow effects, will be evaluated on specific growth rate, the biosynthetic capacity of proteins, amino acids, lipids, polysaccharides and pigments.

WS2: Operation of a pilot scale unit – Mass-Production of Microalgal Biomass in pilot scale unit – Optimization of the pilot scale unit operation.

In this work section the operation of a pilot scale unit for microalgae cultivation will be studied employing open tank bioreactors. The pilot scale bioreactors will be provided by PLAGTON SA company which is active in the fish farming sector. Taking into account the results of WS1 the microalgal which presents the highest specific growth rates, yields and fast adaptation to altered growth condition is going to be cultivated in pilot scale units. During the cultivation samples will be taken for the determination of biomass as well as the biomass content in protein, amino acid, lipid, polysaccharides and pigment content. The produced biomass will be harvested and processed in order to improve the bioavailability of the intracellular nutrients for the farmed fish.

WS3: Preparation of new fish feed with incorporated microalgal biomass for seabass farming.

The treated microalgae biomass will be used as raw material for the production of fish feed which will experimentally be used for feeding the seabass. Zootechnical parameters indicative of the physical condition of fish such as; growth, survival, feed utilization, specific growth rate, thermal growth factor, protein capitalization factor, protein utilization factor, physical state factor and hepatosomatic index will be  determined.

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